These two images were two examples of how I was going to great the landscapes in Blender, and at first glance, the top image looks a lot more realistic but. I placed a texture on it, it didn't give off the look I wanted, so I decided not to go with it.
This one was after I learned about the A.N.T Landscape Add-on Blender in its system, where you can create your landscape based on custom properties in the program. The only tricky part was the fact that it was too blocky. So I decided to research on youtube for tutorials that focused on making landscapes more realistic and cinematic, and I came across this tutorial by a YouTuber named polygonartist. Through this almost 6-hour-long tutorial, I learned how to create mountains, rocks, trees, leaves, a quick and easy ocean, and more about the geometry-node system.
link to the full video: